Running macOS and Windows 10 on the Same Computer

Running both macOS and Windows 10 on a single computer may seem like a daunting task, but it’s entirely possible thanks to various methods and software solutions available today. Whether you’re a developer who needs access to both environments, a gamer who wants the best of both worlds or someone curious about exploring different operating systems, this article will guide you through the process of setting up a dual-boot system with macOS and Windows 10.

Important Note: Before you begin, ensure that you have a backup of all your important data. Changing your computer’s operating system can lead to data loss if not done correctly.

Check Hardware Compatibility

macOS is designed to run on Apple hardware, so installing it on non-Apple PCs (often referred to as “hackintosh” builds) can be challenging. Visit websites and forums dedicated to hacking to see if your specific hardware is supported and to find compatible drivers.

Create a Backup

As mentioned earlier, creating a backup of your data is crucial. Use an external hard drive or cloud storage to back up all your important files, so you can restore them in case anything goes wrong during the installation process.

Prepare Installation Media

Create macOS installation USB drive. You can create one by downloading macOS from the Apple App Store and using software like “DiskMaker X” or “Etcher” to make a bootable USB drive. Follow online guides for detailed instructions.

Partition Your Hard Drive

You’ll need to partition your hard drive to create space for macOS. Use Windows’ built-in Disk Management tool to shrink your existing Windows partition and create a new one for macOS. Make sure to allocate enough space for both operating systems and any additional software you plan to install.

Install macOS

Insert the macOS installation USB drive and restart your computer and boot from the USB drive. During installation, format the partition you created for macOS and install the operating system on it.

Set Up Dual Boot

Once macOS is installed, you’ll need a boot manager to switch between macOS and Windows. Popular options include Clover and OpenCore for hackintosh builds. These boot managers allow you to choose the operating system you want to use when you start your computer.

Install Windows 10

After setting up the boot manager, it’s time to install Windows 10. Use a Windows 10 installation USB drive and follow the standard installation process. Install Windows on the partition you allocated for it earlier.

Configure Dual Boot

After installing both macOS and Windows, you can configure the boot manager to show a menu at startup, allowing you to choose between the two operating systems. Make sure to install any necessary drivers for both macOS and Windows to ensure proper functionality.

Maintaining Your Dual-Boot System

Keep in mind that updating either macOS or Windows may affect your dual-boot setup. It’s essential to research and follow guides on how to safely update each operating system without breaking the dual-boot configuration.


Running macOS and Windows 10 on the same computer can be a rewarding experience, providing access to the strengths of both operating systems. Always consult guides and forums specific to your hardware and software versions to ensure a smooth installation and dual-boot setup. With patience and diligence, you can enjoy the benefits of having both macOS and Windows 10 at your fingertips on a single machine.